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Gia Robles Levy

Gia Robles Levy is a half-Dominican photographer born in Antwerp, Belgium. At the age of 12 she started attending an art academy where she was introduced to the possibilities of photoshop and photography. This was the start of her education in Brussels majoring in photography.

“I have always been a creative child. Ever since I was young I was either singing, drawing, crafting, painting, and later on when I got my first digital consoles I started experimenting with digital arts.”

Aside from her career, Gia’s personal life has taken an interesting turn the past year: “I have realized that I’m not a gay man like I used to think, but a straight transgender woman. My life has evolved in the most beautiful way ever since and I’m super grateful for the support of the people around me and the community.”

“I was there when I was born, solely not the first time. 
With my ghost grown, 
my young legs walk a path guided by the footprints of women before me. 
Shaped, manipulated and pushed towards a gorgeous destination, 
everything starts radiating and glowing. 
Finally, I deciphered the code and invited the glitch to cooperate. 
Unconciously nonetheless safely completing self restoration, 
I resurface eagerly disagreeing with gravity. 
No, the opposite, I’m grateful. 
This is not a reversal but a revival.”



In her latest work for her graduation project, Gia made a series of self-portraits called ‘Revival’ where she put herself in the shoes of women around her, who have inspired and influenced her, allowing her to involve in the woman that she’s becoming today.