Diablo Kahlo

Diablo Kahlo (she/her) is a drag queen originally from Mexico, now living and studying in Ghent. She is currently at her second masters in liberal arts and photography.

“Art has always been my passion. From an early age I've been inspired by Frida Kahlo, who has also been a huge inspiration for my drag. Who doesn't love a strong, talented and beautiful woman?”

What inspires your drag, aesthetic, and what is your creative process?

“My drag is mostly inspired by the Y2K, space age and McBling movement. Female presenting people, who serve cunt on a daily basis, are my muse. I’ve always been a Barbie fan, so going through the OG fashion doll’s archive is never a bad idea.”

“The road to finding my aesthetic has been a difficult one. Being mixed has always put me on the spot to make a choice between two things. I love long nails, the color pink and really feminine stuff. On the other hand, I really like rock music, black and a more tomboy-ish aesthetic. After a while I realized I didn’t have to pick one or the other, I can just do whatever the fuck I want. It’s drag, who cares?!”

“My creative process is quite simple, I just let it happen. I’ve tried to get creative on command in the past, but it simply doesn’t work for me like that. Nowadays I let it flow organically. A pattern on the ground, a color, an object or the way the light hits on certain surfaces can be enough for me to start to work on a new look.”

What about drag as a medium speaks to you? How did you get your start in it? What inspired your Drag name?

“I had discovered an interest in drag but was always too scared to take the first step. Buying make-up, not really knowing what to do with it, and playing with gender sounded like something my family necessarily wouldn’t agree with. My best friend, up until this day, bought me my first supplies for my birthday because she always believed in me and my potential. I am up until this day immensely grateful for that.”

“I started doing drag for the performance aspect. I’ve always loved to perform in school plays, for my parents and neighbors, etc… My aunt taught me how to dance salsa when I was a little boy. Ever since I knew I wanted to entertain. After a while, I discover how much I enjoyed doing my make-up. It has become a form of therapy for me, which brings me joy and calmness. My drag name is inspired by Frida Kahlo. Coming from a Mexican household, I grew up around her paintings and her life story. She has always been an inspiration for me, and what better way than to celebrate my art through her name? Diablo just speaks for itself haha.”

What are the most rewarding aspects of drag, and the most challenging?

“The most rewarding aspect of drag is the satisfaction I get out of it. Yes, a whole crowd screaming for you is indeed very satisfying. However, nothing tops the feeling of me being proud of myself. Whether it’s a performance or a look. But it can be challenging as well. Sometimes I have a vision in mind, and if it doesn’t go the way I planned, I often get disappointed in myself. However, I get over it pretty quickly, because more concepts are always waiting around the corner.”

What advice would you give someone wanting to break into the drag queen world?

My advice for someone who just starts doing drag is simple: have fun. Drag is so personal, and even though we have to entertain people, It’s really important that you do it for yourself. It’s your art, it’s your platform, it’s your voice. Don’t stress too much about the little things. Try new things and make mistakes. You will get better at make-up, you will get better at sewing and you will get better at performing, as long as you enjoy what you’re doing, no one can stop you.

Did you have any queer role models? If so, who?

“My biggest queer role models are my friends. I get so inspired seeing them live their life to the fullest. They are the most creative, sweetest and fearless people I have ever met. Showing up for drinks in full beat and the cuntiest outfits. I really want to thank them for being the light of my life and bringing out the best in me. I wouldn’t be here, living my own queer life, without them.”

Do you have any upcoming events you would like to bring attention to?

“A few actually! I recently did Just The Tip in Brussels, which was an absolute blast. Soon I’ll be back in Brussels to DJ for Propaganda and to perform for Playback. I strongly recommend going to these shows because it really is drag at its finest. If you’re ever in Antwerp I hope you’re able to go watch or party at Send In The Clowns, where I regularly DJ or perform. I also have my own show that I organize with my sister in Gent. Dolls Inc. has had three successful shows. We’re still recovering from our last one, but keep your eye out for future shows and parties, it might be sooner than you think. ;)”